Be My Guest… Blogger!

19th-25th May is National Vegetarian Week here in the UK. National Vegetarian Week is all about bringing awareness to plant-based diets, the benefits they can bring (I’m pretty sure I don’t need to convince you lovely readers!) and to encourage more people to try out veggie food by going meat-free.

In its honour, The Tofu Diaries is looking for guest bloggers to be featured on this blog during National Vegetarian Week in May. If you have any ideas for a vegetarian or vegan recipe or any other ideas for a post suitable for NVW that you think my readers would enjoy then please get in touch and I would love to share it!Be My Guest... Blogger!If you’d like to be featured please leave a comment below, send your ideas to thetofudiaries @ (minus the spaces), or connect on . Can’t wait to hear from you!

7 thoughts on “Be My Guest… Blogger!

  1. adanelz6

    What a wonderful idea! I have many many vegan recipes on my blog that I would love to share! Here is my recipe page: let me know if anything jumps out at you!

    1. Natalie Tamara Post author

      I’d love to have you on board Ani :) That is a pretty wonderful list of recipes… just about everything jumped out at me! Maybe you could choose one of your favourites (or a favourite you haven’t blogged about yet!) and include an intro to your blog and what a veg diet means to you, to go with it?

  2. goodfoodindulgeo

    Hey Natalie, Would love to contribute :) I will send you a vegan, gluten free recipe with a picture :) A Chocolate Pudding probably :)

    1. Natalie Tamara Post author

      That sounds wonderful! Thanks so much, I’ll look forward to it. Are you able to send it over by May 16th so it can be scheduled in for Vegetarian Week? My email is
      Thanks again :)


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