Tag Archives: Guest blogger

Be My Guest… Blogger!

19th-25th May is National Vegetarian Week here in the UK. National Vegetarian Week is all about bringing awareness to plant-based diets, the benefits they can bring (I’m pretty sure I don’t need to convince you lovely readers!) and to encourage more people to try out veggie food by going meat-free.

In its honour, The Tofu Diaries is looking for guest bloggers to be featured on this blog during National Vegetarian Week in May. If you have any ideas for a vegetarian or vegan recipe or any other ideas for a post suitable for NVW that you think my readers would enjoy then please get in touch and I would love to share it!Be My Guest... Blogger!If you’d like to be featured please leave a comment below, send your ideas to thetofudiaries @ gmail.com (minus the spaces), or connect on . Can’t wait to hear from you!