When I got started with this blog, one thing that never occurred to me was the opportunities it would bring or the wonderful people I would meet through it. I love seeing familiar faces comment here (thank you for keep coming back, it really does make my day!) and I’ve discovered some of my favourite blogs via having you visit me. Remarkably my analytics tell me visitors have come to the site from one hundred and twelve different countries. That’s pretty wonderful.
On the other end of the scale, I’ve had opportunity to meet some incredibly talented and creative bloggers in person – here in Leeds, across Yorkshire and further afield. That was definitely something I didn’t expect to get involved with but I am so glad I have.
On this subject, I wanted to let you know about a couple of projects I’m currently involved in and to urge to take a look at them and get involved too.
Vegan Wall
Vegan Wall is a brand new online community for vegans and anyone interested in veganism. Users can share recipes, photos, videos, interesting links and anything else they think will be valuable to the community; these posts are then moderated through an up/downvoting system.
There is also a map that shows where users are so you can find your local vegan community. A restaurant map is coming soon which I’m looking forward to using for travel planning.
I was invited to test out Vegan Wall just prior to its beta launch to give feedback so they could get everything just right. It was fantastic hearing all about its founders’ motivations and the long months they had already spent on coding and building the site purely out of their passion for creating something useful for the vegan community. The beta version has kicked off so I’d highly recommend popping over, signing up and getting involved here.
Very much in its infancy, Yorkshire Bloggers is a little project myself and a few other Yorkshire-based bloggers have set up. Our Facebook page (with this beautiful banner created by Jen over at Little Birdie) is a hub to share post from ourselves and lots of other bloggers all about the gorgeous county of Yorkshire.
We also plan to hold regular blogger lunches and meet-ups, not least as an excuse to check out plenty of local restaurants! It’s also enjoyable to just get together with like-minded people, informally, without any PR agenda.
Please hop on over and like our
if you’d like to see more and if you ever blog about Yorkshire then please send me your links to share!
What have been your biggest surprises about blogging?
P.S Did you know I’m now on Instagram?
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