Trying to keep a blogging schedule is a funny thing. It feels so satisfying to publish all the posts you had planned for a week yet it can feel surprisingly stressful if you don’t quite manage it. For me, whilst any schedules or deadlines are entirely self-imposed (or self-inflicted as it can sometimes seem), my ‘to blog’ list never ends. Having too many ideas, too many things to write about, and wanting to share them all is only a positive thing, but actually covering each and every one is fairly impossible because there simply isn’t enough time.
As I (finally) created a personal last week, I thought that both that platform and a round-up post on here now and then could be a nice way to share the little in-between bits (that there isn’t quite time to dedicate a whole post to) alongside my usual blog posts, as well as some previews of features that are on the way. So here is my first slice of Instagram to share – I’d love to hear your thoughts on roundups like this and if you’d like to see it as a regular feature.
Country walks: / /
Out & about: / /
Flashbacks from Morocco: / /
Little treats: / /
Share your Instagram profile links in the comments below so I can follow you or over there!
I feel the same way! It’s so hard to keep up a regular blog schedule. I feel like I’m ALWAYS changing when/how often I post. It can be daunting!
It really can be! So much blog advice out there talks about needing to have a schedule and goals, it adds a lot of pressure. Sometimes it’s important to take a step back and work out what you personally want from your blog to get the balance right.
I completely agree, a blogging / posting schedule can be daunting. I used to post randomly but took the advise, which is plentiful on the web about posting regularly and it adds a lot of pressure to you to keep to it! I too have an instagram account but must admit I haven’t really gotten around to utilising it, like you my list never seems to end and I haven’t found time for it yet. I really must change that! I shall look you up on instagram when I am next logged on.
To be honest, I held off signing up to Instagram for a while as it felt like joining another social network was just adding more to the workload but it is proving to be a great way to share things in between blogging in a more visual way than on Twitter. In fact I might be cheating by sharing my Instagrams on Twitter so it is kind of lessening the load in a way ;) Please do look me up next time you’re on!
I’m totally with you on the scheduling front. Every now and again I feel like i’m getting on top of it but it can just become a little overwhelming with ideas sometimes. Yay for a new instagram account to follow! Mine is @Lemon_Freckles :)
I agree, the feeling on being on top of it all never lasts that long! Thanks for sharing your Instagram link, I’ve been enjoying have a nose through this morning :)
That looks like lovely autumn walk! I’m actually just getting into Instagram myself but I’ll definitely follow you on there. :)
Autumn is just the loveliest time to get out for a walk… when the weather behaves anyway ;) Please do look me up and let me know your username too.
It really is tough to manage cyber-life and “real-life”… Im working on setting a firm schedule each day, it hasnt happend yet, but Im working on it 😉 IG account: YummyYummyBaby look forward to your visit 🌞🌱🍉🍐🍋🌱
I think working towards it is a good start! Not being too hard on yourself if it stays flexible is important too though :) Thanks for stopping by :)