National Vegetarian Week on The Tofu Diaries

National Vegetarian Week bannerThis week, May 19th-25th is National Vegetarian Week here in the UK. The aim of NVW is to challenge people to go meat-free for the week as well as to help more of us learn about the benefits and ease of living compassionately and thoughtfully by going veg.

Though I and many of you don’t need any convincing, in honour of NVW 2014 I have opened up The Tofu Diaries to a selection of my fellow bloggers to share their insights, recipes, and some other very exciting things. It’s very exciting to have such a diverse range of posts to share with you all – one guest post will be featured each day (at 6pm) for the whole of this week so be sure to check back! I also urge you to check out and follow the blogs of my wonderful contributors!National Vegetarian Week

2 thoughts on “National Vegetarian Week on The Tofu Diaries

    1. Natalie Tamara Post author

      Looking forward to sharing yours :) Lots of other great posts coming up too!


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