Little Treats #2

Last time I shared some specifically vegetarian treats, but I really want to broaden it this time and use these kinds of posts to share any little things that have made me happy or any great finds I’ve made – not only edible, I promise!

Fudge Kitchen Drinking Fudge

Drinking Fudge & Owl MugOK so the first one is food-related. It was always going to be, right? Yet another treat I picked up in York was this time from Fudge Kitchen. Right in the heart of the city, Fudge Kitchen handcraft all of their own fudge using natural, all vegetarian ingredients. If you’re lucky you can see the fudge being made in-store and also have a free sample of some of the flavours. Unfortunately I wasn’t lucky enough to catch either of these this time (I was too shy to ask outright for a sample!) but my eyes were drawn towards these little sachets of drinking fudge.

I decided upon a classic chocolate caramel whilst my boyfriend went for the tangy orange. They’re very simple to make: heat up a mug of milk, squeeze out the sachet, mix well, heat up a touch more. The squeezing bit can be quite messy but I’m sure that’s half the fun! The drink itself once made really did taste heavenly like molten fudge, though if I got it again I would definitely use a smaller mug – this owl is much bigger than I gave it credit for and it did dilute the taste somewhat.

Vintage FindsPop Boutique top

It must be said, I’m a huge bargain shopper with Ebay and charity shops being my regular stomping grounds. I picked up this amazing Pop Boutique blouse, recycled from a vintage shirt with this beautiful lace collar added, off Ebay just before Christmas for £3.20 with a further £3 postage.

I adore the baroque print but the way the shirt had been cut at the top didn’t quite lie right for my liking so I had only worn it once or twice so far. However, I dug out this old brooch of my mum’s that I’d completely forgotten I even owned and pinned it together which changed the look of the shirt completely, not to mention complemented the flowers in the print. I teamed it up with a pair of black denim shorts, thick tights and ankle boots and can safely say it’s definitely going to become a staple now.

Have you made any good discoveries lately?

2 thoughts on “Little Treats #2

  1. recipesfromapantry

    I really love the upcycled shirt. I really need to spend more time on ebay.

    1. Natalie Tamara Post author

      Honestly, it can take a bit of patience, but there are some amazing things to be found on there! You do have to sneak your bids in at the last minute too ;)


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