Yesterday I shared some thoughts and photos of Dubrovnik. Today I’d like to give you a closer look at the little things I saw, the things that give a place its character.
After checking in to my guesthouse (I stayed in a lovely apartment with lovely owners a short walk uphill from the Old Town), the first thing I did was walk down to the Old Town and onto Stradun, the main street running through the centre of it. As luck would have it, that day the 10th anniversary celebrations of UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) Convention were being held. The square at the top of Stradun was filled with Linđo dancers affording me an instant immersion in Croatian culture.
What little things catch your eye?
What great luck to stumble onto the convention! Your photos of it are lovely. You really do get a sense of what old Dubrovnik would have been like.
Thanks! Yeah it’s just the best thing happening upon something like that – especially when you first arrive somewhere :)
Wow I’ve never been and it looks soooo lovely! Nice, thanks for sharing the lovely pictures!
Secret little Stars
It’s definitely somewhere worth a visit if you ever get chance! Thanks for your sweet words :)
Bright, colourful patterned things catches my eye. Which is why I love Europe, we have a lot of things like that. Art, trinkets, outfits. Lovley post :)
Definitely agree :) thanks for reading!